The Top 3 Talent Challenges Facing The Mobile Industry Today.

The Top 3 Talent Challenges Facing The Mobile Industry Today and how to fix them.
Finding and Keeping the right Talent is Always A major Challenge In The Mobile Industry.
The leading causes of unfilled vacancies in businesses today are skills gaps and the increasing competition globally for those with highly sought after skills-sets and & experiences.
Your ability to find enough of the ‘Right Talent’ for your business will have a direct correlation to your ability to achieve your business objectives. Emerging trends, however, paint a less-than-optimal picture for companies looking to source the most qualified candidates, especially in high growth leading edge industry sectors such as the Mobile Industry.
Tip: Check out the Hays Global Skills Index for an interactive map which highlights & compares market pressures across the globe.
Identifying, Engaging, Acquiring and Retaining skilled sales and leadership talent is a constantly evolving field.
In order to address these difficulties, solution vendors within the Mobile industry are having to adopt new innovative methods to find the best people for their business.
Tip: Meet Soloman Associates at #MWC2017 to Find Out How Your business could employ Contemporary Talent Acquisition Strategies to Overcome this Tough Challenge.
The Top 3 Challenges in Talent Acquisition For The Mobile Industry Today
Here are some of the main challenges we’ve identified that the Technology Industry faces in its’ quest to hire the optimal Talent.
What is your business doing to locate the right talent? Most businesses face intense competition to Identify and Engage the right talent and struggle to break through the noise and really stand out. That means a lot of companies are vying for the same candidates.
How to meet this challenge: Invest in a structured and well planned Multi Channel approach to market which will include building your Employer Brand. Doing so will give your company a massive advantage when it comes to attracting candidates. To do this successfully ensure that you’re utilising all the tools available to you in order to broaden your talent pool, including social media.
How do you ensure candidates are a good fit for your organisation? By adopting effective strategies for vetting candidates, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of establishing long-lasting, mutually-beneficial relationships.
How to meet this challenge: Define the objectives and expectations of role clearly and at the same time define clearly what you are looking for in an individual who is going to fill the position. Align the hiring need to the business need. Once you have achieved this design your interview process around what you are searching for, ensuring you foster an environment of open communication and honest feedback from all stakeholders involved in the interview process.
Once you’ve hired the perfect candidate, how do you keep them? Especially in today’s fast-paced market, what can you do to foster loyalty amongst new hires? Owing to the high cost of employee turnover and the benefits of having highly-trained employees, 78% of business leaders rank employee retention as important or urgent.
How to meet this challenge: The early stages of your employee’s careers are the most critical. Develop effective onboarding programs to acclimate new hires to the company culture. Employ existing talent to mentor and train individuals that show potential. Finally, make the benefits of working for your business employee-friendly. For example, sponsoring additional employee education will not only boost performance—it will boost your retention rate!
How To Fix The Top 3 Talent Challenges Facing The Mobile Industry Today
Soloman Associates is a trusted retained Executive Talent Advisory and Consulting firm with a long track record of success. We use a proven methodology to source the ideal candidates for your business and help solve The Top 3 Talent Challenges Facing The Mobile industry Today. With a near 100% completion rate on all retained searches to date and a truly superior retention rate, our partners identify, engage, attract, and retain high-performing sales and leadership talent.
Over 93% of hires achieved through Soloman Associates contribute to their employers success for two years or more!
Soloman Associates is a Regular Fixture at #MWC
GSMA’s Mobile World Congress is the largest and most comprehensive technology gathering on the planet. The annual event attracts vendors big and small from around the world. During the conference, they’ll explore the challenges facing the mobile industry today—and how to solve them.
Sol Jeewa is a regular fixture at the event, having gone to every #MWC for nearly two decades. As in the previous years, he’ll share ideas and insights gleaned from his extensive experience in the industry with solutions vendors seeking to overcome the challenges of talent acquisition.
Soloman Associates will also be present at #MWC 2017: The Next Element, where Sol will be offering informative Talent Attraction Sessions where you can learn techniques to address The Top 3 Talent Challenges Facing the Mobile Industry Today by Identifying, Engaging, Attracting & Retaining Top Talent.
Find Out What Soloman Associates Can Do for Your Business
Book a private session with Sol at this year’s event.
You can contact Sol before, during, and after the session via email or Twitter. Visit Soloman Associates Limited page on LinkedIn for more details about the unique services Soloman Associates provide.
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